Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

2016 comes to an end

Hello friends!! Good morning :)
Iam writing this early in the morning, on 2016's last day
Here we are at this (again)
We make resolutions for the next year, hoping that we will have a good and wonderful year ahead
One thing that can't be left, that we need to hope that we will be stronger, because even when 2017 is going to be a good year, we still need to prepare ourselves to face bad days
In the end of the day, we have God to lean on, so there's no reason to be afraid
I, Thea, wish you have a very blessed year ahead!! (I know you will, cause you trust your days in God)
Be happy everyone, see you next year in my random and unimportant postings
But I wont make those in English tho. I dont know, somehow, it sounds less funny in English. It's more sarcastic, I guess

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016


malem kolega
Tiba2 random bgt kangen pas jaman2 awal smp. Bangun pagi2 karena sekolah jauh dari rumah trus mesti kuncir dua tiap hari. Karena ngga bisa kuncir rambut jadi harus gangguin mamake, minta dikuncirin. Padahal bangun telat trus lom kunciran. Dimarah deh, trus nangis, trus sarapan sambil rambutnya dikuncirin
Sering banget gituuu. Nangis tiap hari gajelas cuma gara2 dimarah telat bangun di rumah 😂  Aigoo, kok tiba2 w udah kuliah semester 3 ya. Time flies way too fast